Ok, I know I said I would post this last week, but I've been a busy lady. I'm on a bit of time crunch here :-) Forgive me?
I've finally got the window treatments up, with the help of my handy husby installer :-)
You will recognize the trellis fabric from Part I, that I wasn't exactly sure what I was going to do with, but I thought it might be window treatments...well...it's window treatments and it looks great!
I layered the drapery panels with woven wood blinds that have a blackout liner. I often do this in my client's homes and I love the warmth of a woven wood next to a crisp, graphic fabric.
I am absolutely in love with the linen floral print seen on the pillow. This fabric is also the crib skirt.
That little bear was mine when I was a wee one. His name is Radar (when I was little I named him after my favorite guy's teddy bear).
We've also done some work on the little smidgen's closet. It was just a basic catch-all guest room closet before.
We brought the ceiling color from the room in on to the walls. I painted her hanging rods gold and we hung a sweet little chandelier in there.
I've begun to put things away but our dining room still resembles a Babies-R-Us at this point.
Look at those sweet little girl clothes! I can't wait to dress my little dolly :-)
The bedding is finally complete as well, so that's up next.
I hope you're having a great week, it is almost over and then a 3 day weekend, yay!

Love it!!! I can't wait to see the bedding, and of course, your little angel!
Taylor, yay, you posted a comment ;-) Thanks girlie!
Love the elegance you've created..not the typical baby's room...very refreshing to see something different...can't wait to see the little angel in it !! ♥
Thanks Patrizia!!! I can't wait to see the little angel in it too :-)
Maria, I love it! Catching up on all the gorgeous design you've been up to - busy lady! It warms my heart to think of another precious baby girl sleeping in that sweet upstairs. How much longer 'til you 2 become you 3? Go put your feet up!
Carrie! Thank you :-) We were due on the 12th so our sweet girl is taking her time in there! You should see how sweet the nursery has turned out, it is so different from when it was a playroom :-)
I can't believe I just found your blog! I LOVE it- the nursery is gorgeous, but your sweet little daughter steals the show! I've been looking for some shades like that- I need very wide ones- can you share where you find yours?
Thanks so much for reading Megan. I bought those woven wood blinds through Budget Blinds but you can find them everywhere, even Home Depot.
I found your closet on Pinterest, love the ceiling! :) Can you tell me the dimensions of this closet? It looks similar to what we are building, but I am having a hard time envisioning it. Thanks! Amy C
Great design. How big is the closet?
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