Mean Girls was on TV the other night. Have you seen it? It's awful but hysterical and so true, unfortunately. It's Saturday Night Live peeps and pretty crude, just a warning if you haven't seen it. Anyway, I've always loved this movie, I'll admit it, I think it's funny. However, the other night it made me really sad. I started thinking about this sweet, innocent baby girl inside of me and how someday girls will be mean to her and there is nothing that I can do about it. It happens to everyone at some point, including myself. I have awful memories of the crummy things that girls do to each other and how, at that youthful time, they have no idea that they are breaking someone's spirit. All I can do is do the very best that I can at teaching my little girl to not be one of those mean girls. That began the downward spiral of thinking of all of the heartaches she will have in her life, guaranteed. She will have hurt and disappointments and her heart will be broken by some boy and I have NO control over it!! This world can be so mean and I cried for my little girl. All of you moms out there are probably shaking your heads and thinking "wow, her hormones are definitely taking over" but you're probably also relating a little bit. If you're not, lie to me, and say that you are so that I don't feel so silly. Anyway, just thought that I would share.
Isn't her profile so sweet?! Goodness, I can't wait to meet that little angel.
If you're still here, thanks, and I'll be back soon with the usual...
Umm... I think I have to work late tonight, Dear. -Hub
You always know how to make me smile!
well, I did have tears in my eyes reading this, until I read the hub's comment, then bursted out laughing!
He has impeccable timing doesn't he Allison?!
Right there with you. I think the same things about boys teasing each other... and Isaiah has his fair share of it coming with a name like Aars. Breaks my heart. Love the pic- she's precious.
Alli, I looked at your blog and couldn't believe that we had such a similar post :-) Thanks sweet girl!
Maria, I found your blog through Remoldelaholic and I gotta say I love it! I love decorating, its all I think about 80% of the time, lol, but dont tell anyone, they think Im thinking about Math! Anyways, I love your blog, you have a wonderful taste and I also loved this post, it told me so much about you! Sometimes I find myself thinking about all the mean things that the world could do to my little girl and I just want to hold her and never let go of her! I worry about her ALL the time! Glad to know I'm not the only one! Sorry about the 20,000 exclamation points!
Isabel, so happy to have a new reader that shares my passion for design :-) Thanks for your sweet comment about this particular post as well. I love it when I can relate personally with a reader :-)
Thanks for stopping by.
Dear Maria,
I have just found your beautiful blog today and I am loving every picture. I just read this blog about "Mean Girls." I just sent my youngest daughter (of 2) to college this fall. I have one piece of advice to share: Find a sport for your daughter to love and have a passion. My oldest swam and my youngest did gymnastics. Sports for girls gives them a huge sense of strength and love of their body. It also gives them a great circle of friends and keeps them away from a lot of the "Mean Girl" stuff - and yes you are right - it is out there. Daughters are the most awesome joy in the world! I'm sure sons are too but I just have 2 daughters.
I'm so glad you found me and thanks for the compliments :-) Thank you also for sharing your comment. I think that is wonderful advice. I have 4 sisters and we were all always involved with something. Thanks so for reading :-)
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