Monday, March 28, 2011

My Latest Project

I've got lots going on these days, but this project has by far taken precedence! Actually, I'm not even the lead designer on this project!

This new client has, well, completely taken over.

Frank and I are so very excited to begin this new chapter in our lives. This photo is an old one, our very first photo actually. I am 16 weeks now :-) Only 4 more to go to find out if our little blessing is going to be a son or a daughter!

Our world is about to change in more ways than we can even fathom right now. We are feeling very blessed, excited, happy, name it!

Since God's design is the only perfect one, we are excited to be a part of this project and look forward to watching it come together :-)

If you think of us, say a little prayer, we would be so grateful!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! What wonderful news! All the best to you!

Maria@Live Beautifully said...

Thank you so much Allison :-)

Natasha said...

That's wonderful, Maria! Congratulations!

Maria@Live Beautifully said...

Thanks Natasha! Your family is beautiful!

Blakes Mom said...

You will be the best mommy!!!! I cannot wait to meet "her/him", of course you are always in my prayers! I just can't wait to meet your new little person AND babysit a lot!

Maria@Live Beautifully said...

Thanks Stac! I can't wait for you to meet them too...and babysit ;-)

Victoria said...

Oh Maria, that is wonderful news, we are so happy for you!