I was perusing the interwebs, trying to find more of my antique apothecary jars (photo above - I have 3 of these that I scored at an antique vendor and I want more!) and I came across the Barn House Marketplace. If you love little vintage treasures as much as I do you've got to check out this online boutique!
The Barnhouse "is a reflection of our quest to live sustainably and our love for collecting, reusing and repurposing beautiful vintage treasures." Joe & Jermonne - The boys of Barn House

This isn't your average antique flea market, they have some seriously beautiful things. They definitely have an eye for the curious collectible. And, if the merchandise they are pedaling isn't enough, just check out the photography of said merchandise...that alone kept me on their site for almost an hour!
Love these!...and the striped bows, perfection!
Aack!!! This is the worst thing ever ... I just found your fabulous site www.mebeck.com and was in awe of your portfolio and so excited because you were in Dallas. Then I linked to your blog and saw the uber sad news that you MOVED to San Antonio. Waaaah!
Thank you so much for stopping by and checking out my site and blog :-)
Unfortunately, it is true, we moved to San Antonio about 6 months ago but I maintain my client base in Dallas and so I am back and forth all the time.
I appreciate the compliments so much and hope that you'll stop back by again sometime :-)
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