Tuesday, May 15, 2012

What Do You Think...

Live Beautifully got a pretty little makeover :-)

I love love love the fresh new look! I worked with the talented and extremely professional Carolyn V., whom I found through my lovely friend Alli. I highly recommend Carolyn!!! I can't say enough nice things about how talented she is and how quickly she executed our ideas.

In other news... I finally caved in and officially joined Pinterest. I've been avoiding it like the plague because I know how highly addictive it is from the many times that it has ensnared me...but alas, I am now pinning :-) I've also got a shiny new Pinterest button over in the sidebar if you wish to follow.

I hope you're getting a great start to the week!


Cherie said...

Maria, I LOVE the new look....soft and understated. Simply elegant! Now you just need to have a subscribe button. :) I adore your work and blog. Have a great day!

Maria@Live Beautifully said...

Thank you so much Cherie! I have a subscribe by RSS button on the sidebar and I also have follow by email. Is that what you were looking for?

Anonymous said...

Such lovely, lovely rooms! I wonder if you might all me to feature your baby's room on my website, Unique Baby Gear Ideas?

This baby's nursery, featured recently, will give you an example of the type of article that I would do.

My email address is
uniquebabygear at bellsouth.net
