I just thought I would do somewhat of a photo-dump on here of some highlights from the past few weeks.
We had a very intimate Thanksgiving this year. We weren't quite ready to travel with the smidgen, so a few of my family members traveled from Dallas to be with us. Not everyone could make it, so our usual 25 member dinner turned out to be just 5. Only my mom and 2 of my 4 sisters could make it for the actual dinner but another sister made her way down the next day. It was very sweet, easy and relaxing!

The smidgen and me.
Another sister, Tina, her boyfriend Chris and my girl.
Sometimes only Daddy can make it better.
We did some Christmas tree shopping.
What?... What do you wear when you shop for a Christmas tree? ;-P
Every year I stand in front of the tree for at least 15 minutes debating colored lights vs white lights. This year I did both.
We are so looking forward to our first Christmas as a little family. Eventhough she doesn't know what is going on yet, a certain magic has returned and I am very excited for her :-)
After the 1st of the year I will be heading back into projects after a very comfy maternity leave. I have loved my uninterrupted time with the smidgen, she is just beyond precious!!!
Thank you to all who read this little ol' blog and leave me such sweet, encouraging comments and emails! It makes writing on here so much more fun!
I hope you've had a great week. It's the weekend, yay! :-)
Hi Maria - your daughter is precious...and yes these children tend to add a little magic to our lives : ) I have to tell you you've inspired me with my quest to decorate our new home...I just love all of your projects and one in particular...I hope you don't mind I linked your blog onto mine (it's new and a baby itself!)
Enjoy your Christmas!
I believe we have that same TTU onesie ;) Love her Santa outfit--that is presh!
Crissy, thank you so much! Thank you for linking my blog as well, I am flattered! Your blog is beautiful :-) Thanks for reading!
Taylor, thank you! Love that you have the same onesie! I didn't know you had a blog! I love it!...and that you are "consistently inconsistent" like me ;-)
We did ribbons on our tree this year too! Love the soft flowing lines they create.
I love the ribbons Becca. I like the way the striped ones look like ribbon candy too :-) Thanks for reading!
Beautiful Alice, family and of course, your Thanksgiving presentation.
Thank you Kat :-)
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