I loved this old card catalog.
A wonderful display of ironstone. This lot made me think of Joni when I saw it.
Farmhouse chic is so hot right now!

Anywho, now back to Marburger...

This was both Sarah and my favorite piece of furniture. This came from an estate in France and was once a pair of built-ins flanking a fireplace. It was gorgeous!!!

Old tulip botanical chart. I'm really irritated that I didn't buy this. I'm really, really irritated that I didn't buy this.

Lots of birdcages. I guess birdcages are back.
"Yes ma'am, you heard me correctly, I said that I would take everything in your booth, thank you".

Owls! Another love. (I collect crabs, owls, milk glass, leather books and nutcrackers) These were pretty fantastic. The vendor thought that they were pretty fantastic too. Checked the price tag...ouch, no go.

Belgian style certainly reigned supreme.

So, these were my personal finds. They have already found their homes in my home.

These are antique Italian engravings. Love. Now in my family room :-)

I also scored these Italian sconces. They are old but not antique.

We went late in the week and the vendors are ready to unload things by that point. These were a steal!

I couldn't leave without a new piece of milk glass (well, new to me, you know what I mean). I'm particularly drawn to candy dishes, can ya tell?! The middle one is my new guy. The top one was my husband's grandmother's and the bottom one was a gift from my sister-in-law Jane (Hi Jane!).

Isn't it cute. It looks like a little cake. I love it!
Sarah and I below. She is such a dear friend! She must have thought that I was out of my mind. I'm pretty sure she had to tell me to focus a couple of times because I was so excited and flitting around. Love you Sarah! It was a great afternoon!
We finished off the day with the best funnel cake I have ever had in my whole life...including the state fair! It was almost custardy in the center. Oh my it was gooood! We didn't talk to each other, just grunted while we stuffed our faces :-)

These are antique Italian engravings. Love. Now in my family room :-)
I also scored these Italian sconces. They are old but not antique.
We went late in the week and the vendors are ready to unload things by that point. These were a steal!
I couldn't leave without a new piece of milk glass (well, new to me, you know what I mean). I'm particularly drawn to candy dishes, can ya tell?! The middle one is my new guy. The top one was my husband's grandmother's and the bottom one was a gift from my sister-in-law Jane (Hi Jane!).
Isn't it cute. It looks like a little cake. I love it!

I hope that you enjoyed your weekend.
I'll be back soon with a little post about our short trip to Asheville this weekend. It was incredible!
P.S. I forgot my good camera so all photos were taken with my camera phone...sorry for the quality :-/
Happy Monday!
LOVE LOVE Marburger Farms and Roundtop! I couldn't make it out there this time around and was bummed! Thanks for the fix! Casey
I'm glad you enjoyed it :-) It is definitely a cool little place!Thanks for reading!
LOVING the card catalog! I may be on a search for one now ;)
I know! I love them too! I'll let you know if I come across another one :-) Miss you girlie!
Feel free to take me with you next time:) Love your blog and your work, I am now a follower.
Amy R.
Thanks for reading Amy R. :-)
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