This is an antique sofa, that recently got a makeover, for a wonderful project that I've been working on. I began working with my clients while the home was being built, and previously gave a sneak peek of the interior finish out here. We are now almost done with the interiors and I'm loving the eclectic vibe our design has taken on.
Below, you can see the sofa after our reupholstery work. I love how it turned out!
btw...this room is mid-installation, hence the disorganization around it.
We upholstered the sofa body in a small scale taupe and cream, linen/cotton blend herringbone. I had the oversize down pillow custom made at my workroom.
I adore the tension that is created between the modern fabric and pillow style on such a traditional antique frame. It just works!

More on this project coming soon...
Over the weekend, the weather in San Antonio took a turn towards the delightful. My favorite times of the year are the changing of the seasons, particularly fall. The "cooler" temps were a much needed respite for us down here and I find that I'm more energized when we don't have the oppression of the heat. Know what I'm sayin'?
I hope you're getting a great start to the week this Monday morning.