Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Project Sneak Peek

Last week I began installing one of my Austin projects. There is much work to be done, like a motorized painting is going over that flat screen tv above the mantle, no art has been hung etc. etc. etc....but it is well on it's way. This project has been one of my babies for the past year and I can't wait to show you the finished product!

A very sincere thank you to all of my wonderful readers that sent such sweet messages and emails regarding the last post about 'mean girls'. I obviously touched on a subject that has pulled on many a heart string. You guys were so encouraging and supportive. It was so warming to read your thoughts and advice about what has been on your hearts at one time or another. Blogging is often one-sided and I so enjoyed a peek into your worlds!

I hope you're having a great start to the week!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Mean Girls

Ok, you're gonna get personal, hormonal, prego, lady today. If you're not feelin' it, no hard feelings, come back again soon for the usual design bliss.

Mean Girls was on TV the other night. Have you seen it? It's awful but hysterical and so true, unfortunately. It's Saturday Night Live peeps and pretty crude, just a warning if you haven't seen it. Anyway, I've always loved this movie, I'll admit it, I think it's funny. However, the other night it made me really sad. I started thinking about this sweet, innocent baby girl inside of me and how someday girls will be mean to her and there is nothing that I can do about it. It happens to everyone at some point, including myself. I have awful memories of the crummy things that girls do to each other and how, at that youthful time, they have no idea that they are breaking someone's spirit. All I can do is do the very best that I can at teaching my little girl to not be one of those mean girls. That began the downward spiral of thinking of all of the heartaches she will have in her life, guaranteed. She will have hurt and disappointments and her heart will be broken by some boy and I have NO control over it!! This world can be so mean and I cried for my little girl. All of you moms out there are probably shaking your heads and thinking "wow, her hormones are definitely taking over" but you're probably also relating a little bit. If you're not, lie to me, and say that you are so that I don't feel so silly. Anyway, just thought that I would share.

Isn't her profile so sweet?! Goodness, I can't wait to meet that little angel.

If you're still here, thanks, and I'll be back soon with the usual...

Monday, May 16, 2011

Tall, Dark & Handsome

I was perusing 1stDibs, looking for a unique bookcase for a client, and stumbled across this jawdropper! I am in love...the price tag, hmmm...not so much! I've always had an affinity for furniture with a Neoclassical flair. I also adore black and gold together, which is very characteristic of Neoclassical pieces, in fact, many things in my own home sport this color combo.
Well, it is fun to just look and pretend I could afford this anyway...
Isn't she beautiful! I would fill her with my antique leather bound books I collect and my milk glass candy dishes.

My personal budget version...

I found this piece at Nieman's Last Call, on clearance, tucked away in the corner, several years ago.

I couldn't believe the price and that it was still there for the low price that it was marked. I stood in front of it, guarding it like a freak, afraid that someone would buy it before I could (which is absurd), until I could get the hubs on the phone for the purchase agreement. This is the delirium that comes with this profession and spotting a killer deal, just FYI.
I love it and it makes me happy. Out of the furniture that we own, it is our favorite.
I hope you are having a great start to the week!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Fabulous Fêtes

My girlfriend Allison introduced me to the most wonderful party idea site. It is called Kara's Party Ideas and is pure inspiration! *disclaimer - don't even go to the site unless you have a good hour to kill, because you won't be able to look away*
I spent quite a bit of time perusing each inspirational photo after another on Friday night. The site also has a side bar with links to any party theme imaginable!
These images are just a sampling of what you will find there. I was especially drawn to this decor because of all the hobnail milkglass, which I have a special place in my heart for.

Sooo cute!!!

It seriously makes me want to start planning a bunch of parties just so I can design all of the details :-)

I hope you're having a great start to the week!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Sneak Peek

Ok, I need a moment of silence for some amazing things that installed in one of my projects today.
We have been anxiously awaiting the installation of our beautiful specifications. I don't want to show you too much, because this project is so phenomenal and I want the final reveals to be a surprise but... I just can't stand it...

The tub went in. It makes my heart go pitty pat!!!

There are no words. The axis deer carpet for the media room is installed and...just wow!

Do you enjoy seeing a work in progress? If you do, be sure to check out the Facebook business page, as I have a photo album dedicated to 'client progress photos'.

Have a fabulous weekend and shower yo' mamas with love!

*sorry for the small photo files...camera phone snaps :-/ Big, pretty photos for final reveal, promise.