Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Happy Belated 4th!

...and happy belated birthday to me :-) I totally took the day off yesterday for my birthday...oh yeah, and that other holiday that everyone else celebrates ;-) We seriously had the most relaxing weekend around here. I layed around in my jammers until about 4:00 in the afternoon, which was awesome! I played a marathon session of Angry Birds and watched movies. I listened to birthday phone messages and looked at facebook and felt loved by all the well wishers on my birthday. It was perfect. I know that our days like this are numbered and it makes them so much more precious! I'm aware that they will soon be precious in a completely different way :-)
Work has been so crazy lately that a weekend like we had was exactly what I needed. We had a maternity photo session with one of my insanely talented friends. You have to check her out, pure talent! If you are looking for a good photographer, she's your gal. Check out her amazingly complimentary and completely undeserving blog post about us here. I heart her!

I baked, which is relaxing to me. Our favorite, Georgia Peach Pie!
We made fresh bruschetta from the tomatoes and basil we've been growing in our backyard, delish!

We grilled hot dogs and made them "gourmet"...which basically just means we added a bunch of stuff to them and I like to steam the buns.
These are Frank's franks below ;-) I prefer mine "Dallas Dog" style (I stole that from Wild About Harry's), which is my favorite place to go for hot dogs.

We played frisbee with Blackjack (our guppy). It's completely ridiculous that we call him that but it's his nickname and that's what he comes to. It was a great weekend. I hope your holiday weekend was relaxing as well.
These next couple of months are going to be crazeee, as I wrap up projects (I can't wait to show you all the fun things I've been working on this past year) and prepare to take some time off to be with my girl.
I hope you're having a great start to a short week :-)


  1. Hope you had a wonderful birthday.

    Blackjack is very cute. Love the bump photos!

  2. Sounds like a perfect weekend. I just love ya'll...so stinking cute! Frank's Hot Dogs are making me hungry this morning. Those are my kind of dogs. :) Can't wait to see you and I especially can't wait to meet your baby girl in a couple of months!!

  3. Laura Lea! I miss you! Thanks for reading my dear friend. Can't wait to see you soon :-)
