Thursday, June 30, 2011

Bree's Room

Hello my lovely readers. Today I bring you a sweet, simple and sophisticated little girls room I recently completed. This little girl is just darling and her mama wanted something for her that wasn't super little girly and a little different.
By the way, this little girl reads a chocolate baking cookbook for her bedtime story! How cute is that?! We definitely needed something special for this smart little cookie :-)
I chose a palette of purples and grays. Purple is her favorite color and was an easy sell.
The Thomas Paul bird print was the first fabric I found and we fell in love with it. It drove the whole space. We wanted to keep the space design minimal as, just like any little girls room, there would be tons of things in the space that were her personal items (books, dolls, toys, etc), and we didn't want the space to feel cluttered once all of her things were in the room.

The details...
I think it turned out very simple and sweet.I hope you're having a great week!